MAHOP pályázati tájékoztató


Kedves látogatóink!

Az Aranyponty Halászati Zrt. a következő projektelemekre kért és kapott támogatást a Magyar Halgazdálkodási Operatív Program keretében. A fejlesztések kivitelezése folyamatos a 2018as évtől. 

A támogatás összege: 76 431 648 Ft

A támogatás mértéke 50%. A PROJEKT BEFEJEZÉSE: 2021.04.08.

A PROJEKT AZONOSÍTÓ SZÁMA: MAHOP-2.2.1-2016-2017-00044. 


4 év 6 hónap óta

ETHA tájékoztatás


Környezetvédelmi szolgáltatásokat biztosító akvakultúra fejlesztése a Rétszilasi-halastavakon

Kedvezményezett: Aranyponty Zrt.

A támogatás célja:

A hagyományos technikákon alapuló extenzív tógazdaságihaltermelés, többek között  természet és a biológiai sokféleség megőrzésének és javításának, valamint a tájképi elemek megóvásáért nyújtott szolgáltatásának támogatása.

A projekt rövid leírása:

6 év 4 hónap óta

Aranyponty Halászcsárda


A majorság hajdani víztornya, bognár-, és kovácsműhelye az eredeti fafödémes szerkezet felújításával


Halászcsárdává lett átalakítva. Tölgyfába faragott vízi életképek díszítik a bútorzatot, a falakon a régi idők legendás vizafogását megörökítő kép mellett halászrelikviák, és gyönyörű halas tányérgyűjtemény található. A kerthelyiséget a környék népi eszközeinek gyűjteményével díszített fal határolja, a kemence, a bográcsállvány, a borospince nem díszlet, a vendég nemcsak szellemét, de testét is táplálhatja a víz adományával, a bográcsban főtt hallal, és a híres simontornyai borral.


Aranyponty Halászati Múzeum


Ősrégi eszközök, egykoron rendszeresen használt hálók, tapogatók, haltartók mind-mind tematikusan kiállítva, egységekbe rendezve. És a legfontosabb: Mögötte az EMBER. Egy letűnő kor utolsó napszámosai. „Ismeretlen kortársaink a vízen járók. Talán nagy titkokat ismernek, azért ilyen rejtőzködők. Kevés beszédűek, zárkózottak.

Lotus: A fancy experience for after lunch


Walk to our lotus- and rose garden which is only a 100meters away from the restaurant, to admire this unusual sight.

Why can the lotus flower survive in Rétimajor?

We are able to ensure its survival because of the hot water springs that never let the water freeze over, not even the coldest winter. The thermal water creates an ideal habitat for this beautiful flower - and it is special to our heart because this plant cannot be found anywhere else in the country, in the open like this.

Some important infromation about the lotus

6 év 1 hónap óta

Let's visit Rétimajor!



How to get here:
If you want to come to Rétimajor from Budapest, it is a convenient hour and a half drive. The nearest town is Sáregres, 2km away. We are located between the two highways, M6 and M7, with both about 40km distant. If you choose to travel by train, you have to board the one going on the Budapest-Pécs line, and get off at Rétszilas railway station. From there, it's a mere 20minutes walk to reach Rétimajor center.

6 év 1 hónap óta

Aranyponty Fishing Museum


We offer a number of opportunities to relax without a fishing rod in hand. Our guests can spend a little time in our Fishing Museum, in Rétimajor. It is the country’s only museum of fishery today. This private collection is significant because it collects and displays the tools, objects and photos of folk fishing, a tradition that has a very long history in our country. Traditional fishing, an ancient profession in Hungary and the lifestyle that it demands has vanished in the Western areas by today and is only present in traces here too.

6 év 1 hónap óta

Aranyponty Restaurant


An old water tower, and a wheelwright’s and blacksmith’s rooms were turned into the restaurant that kept the original wooden roof structure. Beautiful pictures were carved into the oak furniture. The walls are decorated with pictures about fishing, old relics and a collection of hand-made plates. The patio is decorated with folk intruments, but the outdoor oven and stove, and the wine cellar are not just for scenery. Here guests may nourish not only their spirits, but their bodies as well; they may enjoy fish caught in our lakes and wine from Simontornya.

Aranyponty Restaurant serves traditional Hungarian cuisine, including a wide range of fish and game dishes presented by our skilled chefs. We are proud to say that the vast majority of ingredients used comes from our “backyard”. Our own gardens ensure the summer splendor of Rétimajor and provide all the vegetables for our kitchen. We make a conscious effort to make the local products competitive against imported goods, and to be able to put gastronomic wonders on the table that are not only tasty, but also very healthy!





6 év 1 hónap óta

Rétimajor, where everything is about fish!


Aranyponty is on over 1000 hectares (2470 acres), with over 800 hectares of watersurface. On the vast majority of this area Aranyponty is engaged in planned wishery management. About 60 hectares (150 acres) is reserved for fishermen, including 3 large lakes where anglers may catch larger-sized fish.


In our restaurant fish have the lead roles, albeit slightly transformed; fish soup, fish stew, broiled, fried, breaded, grilled, roasted and who knows what else! Here it really is all about fish!

6 év 1 hónap óta

Nádor, Malom, Gaja Creeks


Nádor-canal, Gaja-creek és Sárvízmalom canal
2018. angling rules

2018 Tickets: Adult daily ticket: 1 500 Ft, Adult annual pass: 15 000 Ft

1. The angler is obliged to familiarize himself and comply with goverments decree: "2013. évi CII. törvény, a 133/2013, (XII.29) VM rendelet", and the rules of HOFESZ. Inattention to rules does not exempt from the consequences.

2. Angling is permitted on these waters 24hours a day, with annual state fishing permit and MOHOSZ membership.

6 év 3 hónap óta

Winter fishing in Rétimajor


Winter fishing in Rétimajor starting December 6!
This time Aranyponty Angling Center in Örspuszta closes for the winter.

It will be closed every Thursday for fishing competitions.
In Rétimajor we have a warm water lake, where people can fish even on the coldest days, as the water never freezes over. Guests can fish for carp thourghout the winter.

6 év 5 hónap óta

Information 2018


Important dates at the beginning of the year: 

2018 Feruary 1: we start selling National fishing permits (and catch log). The Nádor-Gaja-Malom (canals) annual pass will be available as well for the same price as last year.

2018 February 28: by this date everyone needs to submit their catch log from last year, otherwise the national fishing permit will only be available at a higher price

There is no need for the national permit for Aranyhorog, since that is private area. Fish caught here doesn't need to be entered in the catch log. Price of the caught fish is to be paid at check-out after weighing. Prices may differ from the prices of Aranyponty.

2018 March 15. Aranyponty Angling Center Örspuszta -  Opening!

2018 March 24. 16h National Fishing Exam at the center


6 év 3 hónap óta


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